Thursday, December 1, 2011

Question 1

I've recently been working through some problems at work. That process included doing things like investigating long-term medical leaves, fantasizing about all the things I could be doing with my time if I wasn't working, and contacting my old boss. She was my principal for a couple years, she is now very high-up in a nearby district, and I know she has a lot of respect for me as educator.

I told her I had a few questions for her, but wanted to ask her off the record so I requested a personal e-mail address. I sent her an e-mail titled "Question 1."

The e-mail:

My first question for you:

I recognize that I have some attributes that make me a very good educator. I also know that I am cocky and stubborn. Do you think I am difficult to work with?


She wrote back:

And your second question? :)


rmm said...

yeah, work is over-rated :)

Vickie Musni said...

That was very brave of you to ask that question. I don't really want to ask that question in my work situation...but then again we both agreed to for better or worse...