Sunday, May 2, 2010


Last weekend I went on-line and asked one of my students about a vocab word. While instant messaging I could see her current status update next to her name. It read, “IM SO FUCKING HAPPY TODAY LOL.” After she came up with the vocab word our conversation went about like this:

Me: Can you change your status? I find it both crude and offensive.

Student: Omg. Mr. Burrill. Fine.

Me: Why don’t you use another word from your vocabulary.

Me: How about “exuberant?”

Student: What does that mean?

Me: It is when you are excited and happy about something.

Student: Oh.

Me: It’s kinda like “so fucking happy.”

By the end of the conversation she informed why her day was going so well and had changed her status update to, "OMG FEELING PARTICULARLY EXUBERANT TODAY :D."

1 comment:

Louise said...

I emailed this to two friends, who love it. If this were Facebook, there would be a little thumbs up with "Three people like this"
