Sunday, August 7, 2011

What Day Is It?

I've been sitting at the computer for two hours trying write. I've already started over a few times. I don't know how, (or really even what) I'm trying to convey today. I played poker for a month. I did well. Let me tell you what I've learned this month:

I definitely could make a living playing poker.
There are certain parts of the lifestyle I really enjoy.
I have the temperament to handle playing poker for a living.
You don't need to raise with AJo if three players have limped in front of you.

I admit it was weird calling down to the front desk to have someone help me with my luggage just because I didn't want to make three trips to the car. It was not weird drinking margaritas at the pool on a beautiful summer day. Throwing my towel on the floor so I can get a clean one the next day is something I could get used to.

I know a month is small sample size. I cannot predict exactly what would happen over the course of a year. However, I do know that I went to Reno for the Pot of Gold tournament and I played in a total of four events, and I won two of them. (technically, I won one, and five us chopped the money up in the other.) I had a hard time staying awake and focused during twelve hours sessions, but surprising I learned that even when I was not totally alert I was still able to play effective poker.

I had some good nights and some bad nights while I was in Reno. When I got back to my sister's house I don't think my family members could tell if I had won or lost money-- until they asked. Although, sometimes certain cards could have came out more favorably for me I never blamed the cards for the results of the session. Even after losing $400 the night before I still celebrated finding five bucks under my seat the next day. Even after winning over five-thousand dollars in a night I still bought lunch for eight bucks the following afternoon. Poker remained separate.

Also, during this month I got offered my job back. Interesting. I don't know if I want to live out of hotels multiple months a year and be on the road frequently. However, I don't know if I would mind either. I love my job, but I would also love the freedom of making my own schedule.

Eleven years ago after having a tough time in some low-limit poker games while living Long Beach for the summer I decided that I would not play poker for a living unless I could afford to not win. (Basically, not play with this month's rent money).

I can afford to play now, but I don't know if I could afford to not to teach.

One month 'till school starts.

Wish me luck.

Click here for an update.


rmm said...

happy post! happy post! yay! and good luck! (like you need any..)

Nicole said...

Sounds to me like teaching lets you do both. Teach when school's in session. Play poker when it's not.