Sunday, October 3, 2010

Noah's Letter

Last night I was at my parents' house with my sister's kids. She was working the evening shooting a wedding with her husband. Noah, her youngest (almost 4) said to me, "Uncle Kevin can you help me write a card for mom?" I asked him if he wanted me to help him write the letters or actually write the words for him. We agreed that he would dictate and I would write. Initially, he wanted me to write a "k," but after having no reason for the random letter he got directly to the content. Then when he finished I asked him, "How do you want to sign it? Your son, love, sincerely?" (I didn't really plan on choosing sincerely I was just trying to get him to close the letter.) He came up with his own, one that never would have even occurred to me.

Noah's letter:

Dear Mom,
I love you. I love you past Heaven. I love you to the moon and back. I love Uncle Kevin too.

I love you at the zoo,

Not bad. I may solicit his help in the future.