Sunday, November 23, 2008

This is Cincinnati, looking for action

This morning I answered my phone from a restricted number. A woman was on the other line. The conversation went about like this:

"Hello, this is Kevin."
"This is Sacramento."
"This is Sacramento. Am I speaking to Rhode Island?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"I got a call from this number..."

A few minutes later I was contemplating the oddity of this phone and realized what I could have said:
"Yeah, this is Rhode Island."
"Let's talk about the details."
"How much is it going to cost? What is included?"
"Okay... this isn't really Rhode Island. My friends call me Cincinnati, or they often just use my given name."

Where was my quick wit then? If I could have pulled that off, that would really make for a good story. Also, if I could have pulled that off I might have had someone call back threatening my life.

But they probably don't know where I live.


Michelle said...

Someone called back threatening your life?
I think it's common to not think of the perfect comeback until the moment has passed, and you can't get it back. It's SOOO frustrating!

Joe Demers said...

Yeah, you're the perfect guy to have around five minutes after a good set up line.