Sunday, September 25, 2011

Trader Joe's

Honestly, I was so tired I probably shouldn't have been on the road. First week back to work, second week of this new diet. I just needed a few things so I drove over to Trader Joe's.

I walked around not able to find my items. Was I so tired I couldn't see straight, or had they moved some things around in the store?

I couldn't find the broccoli. I was in produce. No broccoli. I looked for quite some time and finally gave and moved on to the next item on my list. I pushed my cart across the store peering down each aisle looking for the quinoa. Couldn't find it.

I got about five aisles away, which at Trader Joe's is pretty much the opposite side of the store, and a woman approached me, "Excuse me you have my cart."

I looked down. Sure enough. Not only was the one item in the cart different from the one item I had put in my cart, but her purse was sitting in the very top of the cart. I got all the way to the other side of the store without noticing.

"I'm very sorry. I'm really tired."

"I was extremely worried. I believe your cart is back in the produce section. You should eat some protein."

After I finally found the quinoa I went back to look for the broccoli again. I ran into the woman whose purse I tried to steal and asked her to help me find it.

I should eat some protein.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is pretty funny-- well, not that you were that tired, but that you walked off with some lady's purse and didn't get smacked for it. haha. nice.